Party of the common man


Victor Davis Hanson  notes that the Democrats are committing suicide by, among other things affiliating themselves too much with the elites in this country and being out of touch with the rest of us. 
His point is underscored in the Real Estate section of today's Washington Post.

The article notes that John Edwards is selling the house in purchased in Georgetown in December 2002 for $3.8 million for $6.5 million. It notes he has the same broker who is selling Robert Kennedy's Hickory Hill estate for $20 million; that Edwards is buiilding a new home on a 100 acre parcel of land in Chapel Hill; will sell his custom built home in Raleigh and retain his family beach house on the North Carolina coast.

Further, it tells us Edwards is "heading up a new Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity." While the article doesn't say so, I am certain he'll be also polishing up his Two Americas speech in one of  his new digs.
Clarice Feldman  5 07 05