

Not only Rush Limbaugh and preachers with sermons are turning to podcasting. NPR informs us that newspapers, too, are beginning to podcast.

Meanwhile, one NPR tech program is overhwhelmed by demand for its podcasts:

The week—old Open Source radio program on Boston's WGBH station has become a victim of its own success.

The show, hosted by Chris Lydon, is carried on only five terrestrial stations, including KUOW Seattle and KCPW Salt Lake City. Demand for audio downloads of the show has been overwhelming. "I'm a little embarrassed to [admit] that," said Brendan Greeley, a show producer, "since we should have planned for this. But it turns out we're having bandwidth issues."

Open Source also may have misjudged the audience for a program whose host said had its roots in blogging, technology and new media. A post on the show's own Web log said: "We've been listening, and we hear some of you saying: 'Enough about the Internet already.' Stay tuned. We're heading to Africa tomorrow and India—region> on Monday. What else do you want to hear?"

Something for AT to think about, I guess.

Thomas Lifson   6 3 05