Press attention to AT


We are always happy to see newspapers citing The American Thinker. For all our bravado as bloggers on the cutting edge of political journalism, we grew up in an era when getting your name in the paper was either a good thing or a very bad thing. Two more citations in big papers have come to our attention.

Writing in the Chicago Sun—Times, John O'Sullivan cites our national security correspondent Douglas Hanson:

As for federal stinginess to Louisiana and New Orleans, Douglas Hanson of the "American Thinker" blog pointed out that since 1999, Louisiana has received more than $143 million in direct grants for security, communications and other disaster response initiatives —— an amount that doesn't include direct grants to the city of New Orleans. In fiscal year '03 alone, the city received about $6.3 million for first responders and $6.4 million for port security.

Meanwhile, the Daily Telegraph of the U.K. very generously "especially" recommends us when telling its readers about the need to consult the blogosphere to get a true picture of the United States:

The only way to follow anything that happens in the United States today is not to rely on what drifts back into the British media from the overwhelmingly liberal American establishment newspapers and national television bulletins: almost the sole source for, say, the BBC. Instead we must search America's blogs and websites.

From them it will be discovered that nearly everything being reported most insistently about Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans is questionable. By checking evacuation figures against census figures, it seems that the great majority of blacks — about 70 per cent — reached safety before the storm. Concerning the argument that President Bush did not rush to help the city because most of the victims were black, four of the five local government districts worst affected by the storm had white majorities ranging from 67 to 88 per cent.

For these, and many other correctives, I especially recommend the website

We are deeply flattered and grateful for the recognition.