Putting words in Tony Blair's mouth


Yesterday we noted  a very strange AP correction.

Correction: Bombings—Blair Story
LONDON, United Kingdom —— In a July 9 story about Prime Minister Tony Blair's comments on overcoming global terrorism, The Associated Press erroneously reported that he spoke of easing the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Blair did not specifically mention the Israeli—Palestinian conflict in his interview with the British Broadcasting Corp. 

As Honest Reporting, a media watchdog group on Israel matters, has discovered, the mistake reveals how the media manipulate the news to fit their own preconceived prejudices——truth and facts be damned.

But HonestReporting subscribers in England who had listened carefully to Blair's BBC interview noticed something strange ― in the interview (available here), Blair never actually mentioned the Israeli—Palestinian conflict. What did Blair say? That 'some of the critical issues in the Middle East' need to be 'dealt with and sorted out'. AP editorialized Blair's vague statement to mean the Israeli—Palestinian conflict.

HonestReporting bluntly asks what everyone should be asking the MSM providers.

two questions remain: At what point in the editorial chain did AP filter Blair's words, artificially introducing Israel as one of Blair's 'root sources' of Islamist terror? And what is being done at AP ― the world's largest wire agency ― to rectify this apparent anti—Israel bias, and the misrepresentation of UK policy?

Comments to AP: feedback@ap.org

These questions apply not only to the basic prejudice of the MSM against Israel but to other areas which do not meet MSM liberal approval.

Ok, do your part; the bloggers are definitely doing theirs.

Ethel C. Fenig   7 11 05

Update: Mediacrity notes that the AP is ethically required to issue a correction, but we are still waiting.