Second thoughts at the AP and NYT?


Katharine Q. Seelye writes an article remarkable only for its appearance in the New York Times. It ponders the question of whether press coverage of Iraq has focused too much on the body count. unusual discussion last month in New York at a regular meeting of editors whose newspapers are members of The Associated Press. Some editors expressed concern that a kind of bunker mentality was preventing reporters in Iraq from getting out and explaining the bigger picture beyond the daily death tolls.

"The bottom—line question was, people wanted to know if we're making progress in Iraq," Ms. Goudreau said, and the A.P. articles were not helping to answer that question.

"It was uncomfortable questioning The A.P., knowing that Iraq is such a dangerous place," she said. "But there's a perception that we're not telling the whole story."

Joe Crowley   8 15 05