Sidney Goldberg, R.I.P.


Jonah Goldberg has a very moving tribute to his father, Sidney Goldberg, on National Review Online today. Although I never met Sidney, I almost felt that I knew him via his frequent appearances on the Lucianne Live! syndicated talk show, which I had the pleasure of co—hosting on a weekly basis for a number of years. His on—air personality was quite obviously precisely the same as that he manifested off—air — charming, full of insight and humor, and drawing upon a fount of data both commonplace and exotic.

Jonah writes of his father with characteristic insight, humor, and charm. This time around, I think he was helped by the subject matter itself. His, and the entire Goldberg family's loss defies comprehension by the rest of us.

Sidney and my mother in law expired within a very short space of time. Last week was a very bad one from the standpoint of the world's supply of mensches.

Thomas Lifson   6 17 05