Terrorists, the media, and the internet


It is nearly impossible in today's struggle against radical Islam to pinpoint moderates in the Arab and larger Islamic worlds. A Newsweek article claimed that Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi of Egypt, leader of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, was a moderate that has now been radicalized by Bush's Iraq War. However, after some readers (bloggers?) pointed out that he is not a moderate, Newsweek backpedaled from their word choice at the end of the article; they 'agree' that the word 'moderate' was inappropriate to describe the radical cleric.

If the readers of The American Thinker want a good scare, go see Allahpundit to find some quotations from the extremist sheik, who also spoke at a Boston Mosque. Once again, to judge from the quotations from Qaradawi, theology motivates him to take over the world, by force, if necessary. Note words like 'religious duty' and prayers that call Jews 'treacherous,' as he invokes God to push back 'the Crusaders.' This deepest of motive (theology) has been explored more thoroughly in American Thinker here and here.

James Arlandson    10 01 04