The long hangover


Culturally, the era we call "The 1960s" (which actually lasted well into the 1970s) simply will not die. Like the lingering effect of too much gin the night before, the 60s continue to inflict themselves upon us. A reader writes us:

The events listed below all happened Tuesday, roughly simultaneously with the Deep Throat business. /bigger>/fontfamily>

Mark Felt "confesses" to Deep Throat thus focusing media attention and national consciousness on the dark days of Watergate and the Left's counter culture revolution, providing both platform and media megaphone to the Left to flog their innuendo anew. /bigger>/fontfamily>

Paul Tate passes away, father of Sharon Tate. His passing brings to remembrance the dark days of Manson and the 60s counter culture revolution of the Left. /bigger>/fontfamily>

Whether it is true or not, the internet was ablaze with buzz that Jim Morrison is alive and well in Idaho wrangling horses for the rodeo, conjuring remembrance of the 60s counter culture revolution and the Left's social putsch. /bigger>/fontfamily>

When the Kennedy Assassination ball got rolling, Jim Garrison of New Orleans indicted Guy Bannister, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, etc. Again, the whole 60s death of the dream, flower power, Vietnam etc. But get this..../bigger>/fontfamily>

/bigger>/fontfamily>There's more.../bigger>/fontfamily>

On Tuesday, CSPAN1 was running off and on a 35 year anniversary special on the Kent State shootings — a program that first aired in early May but coincidentally appearing on the schedule yesterday while Felt was focusing attention on Watergate. Once again, the ghost and rabid emotional fever of the Left's 60s counter culture revolution was conjured. /bigger>/fontfamily>
And lastly..../bigger>/fontfamily>

Black Panther captain Veronza Leon Curtis Bowers Jr., 59, was paroled Tuesday from Federal prison after serving 30+ years for the cold blooded murder of National Park Service Ranger and family man Kenneth Patrick. /bigger>/fontfamily>

So....on the day Mark Felt's pop—off valve reached maximum pressure and he lunges for the microphone and the glory he's sought all his's the list of 60s Counter Culture Icons that were in the news.../bigger>/fontfamily>

Black Panthers/bigger>/fontfamily>
The Kennedy Assassination/bigger>/fontfamily>
Kent State/bigger>/fontfamily>
Helter Skelter Manson/bigger>/fontfamily>
Jim Morrison

It should be noted that we are in a new millenium. Can't we move on?

Thomas Lifson   6 2 05/bigger>/fontfamily>