The MSM wakes up to Balkans terror connection


The Associated Press reports via the arrest of a top terrorist fugitive in Serbia.  A Moroccan by the name of Abdelmajid Bouchar was arrested at a Belgrade railway station this past June.  He was wanted for complicity in the train bombings in Madrid, Spain that killed nearly 200 people.  His arrest is another indicator that the Balkans has become a major staging area for Islamic terror groups, such as Al—Qaeda.

Zoran Dragisic with Belgrade's Faculty of Defense, confirmed what readers of AT had learned last year.  He warned that the Balkans is more than a terrorist way station:

"The Balkans is the springboard for Europe—bound terrorism," he told AP. "We should all be extremely careful."

Dragisic has been more truthful about the meaning of the arrest than the entire major press has been in its ten—year non—coverage of Clinton's Balkan quagmire.  Dragisic noted that Al Qaeda established itself in the region in the early 1990s during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.  But the AP can't resist in ignoring Clinton's role in allowing foreign Muhjadeen into Bosnia to assist their Muslim brethren.  The AP article puts it this way:

News reports during the conflict in Bosnia suggested [emphasis added] that outsiders joined Bosnia's Muslims in their conflict with the region's Serbs and Croats — though the extent of their impact in the chaos was never clear.  Dragisic said that radical Islamic fighters came to the region to fight.

The AP is trying to cast doubt on a simple truth.  Foreign jihadists were, in fact, allowed to enter the country along with weapons shipments from the Mideast.

The MSM colluded with the  Clinton administration to provide a case for US intervention in the Bosnian War and in Kosovo, so don't expect them to willingly reveal the utter failure of the previous administration's national security policies.  However, if the situation in the Balkans continues to deteriorate, they will have no choice in the matter.

Brendan O'Neill takes the analysis even further in this must—read analysis in the UK Spectator.

Doug Hanson   08—29—05