The Sun gets it


The Sun newspaper in the U.K. editorializes today on a piblic speech by Tariq Ramadan.

Extremist Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan, who backs suicide bombings, is to address a London conference part—funded by police.

This man's suspected links with terrorists are strong enough for him to be banned from both America and France.

But in our bomb—hit capital he is being given a platform to speak — while the victims of Britain's worst terror atrocity wait to be buried.

Ramadan is no ranting Abu Hamza or Omar Bakri. He's more dangerous than that.

He is a soft—spoken professor whose moderate tones present an acceptable, 'reasonable' face of terror to impressionable young Muslims.

In one breath he condemns the horrors in London and Madrid. But through seemingly reasoned argu— ments he justifies similar attacks where Muslims are oppressed.

Ramadan has muddied the waters enough for the Met and ACPO to believe him a reasonable man. They should not be fooled.

And rank—and—file bobbies, who reacted with such extraordinary courage last Thursday, will rightly be outraged if the Force has any involvement with him.

Jack Kemp   7 12 05