The UN coverup


The evidence of UN coverup/whitewash of the Oil—for—Food scandal is mounting. Niles Latham reports today in the New York Post:

The U.N.—appointed commission probing the oil—for—food scandal shelved two highly critical drafts of its report on business conflicts involving Secretary—General Kofi Annan and his son, it was revealed yesterday.

The explosive news of a potential whitewash was disclosed by a source close to Robert Parton — the man who handled the investigation of Kofi and Kojo Annan — who quit the U.N. Independent Inquiry Committee headed by Paul Volcker.

Parton authored the two hushed—up reports before leaving in protest that Volcker's inquiry was too soft on Kofi Annan.

A source speaking for Parton said he and Miranda Duncan, granddaughter of tycoon David Rockefeller who also resigned last week, wrote two earlier drafts of the commission's report that were far more critical of Annan than what was contained in the final version released by Volcker on March 29.

The final report said no evidence was found that Annan played any role in the selection of the Swiss firm Cotecna that employed Annan's son Kojo, although it criticized him for meeting with company executives and for failing to fully investigate the matter.

Annan used the report's conclusions to declare with great fanfare that he had been exonerated.

Senator Norm Coleman knows how to handle this. It is now only a matter of time until a confrontation between Congress and the UN takes place. Since the Congress must appropriate the monies which fund a substantial portion of the UN's expenses, we trust that the House and Senate will not hesitate to demand accountability before sending our next check to Turtle Bay.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson   4 30 05