The vast Soros conspiracy


Hillary's Soros funded political "beard" is coordinating this all——not that you'd know that from the msm:

The "Drop the Hammer" campaign is designed to target corporations which have contributed to DeLay. "Corporate America shouldn't use your consumer dollars to support Tom DeLay's unethical behavior," the e—mail says. The Center has specifically targeted American Airlines, Baccardi, Nissan, RJ Reynolds, and Verizon for their contributions to DeLay's defense.

The Center has created a website,, to coordinate the effort. It has also produced new radio ads denouncing DeLay and is asking supporters to contribute to the effort. "They call Tom DeLay the hammer, because he stops at nothing to get what he wants," one of the ads says. "Tell these companies to drop the hammer." Another ad compares DeLay and his organization to the TV crime family in The Sopranos.

The Center for American Progress is made up of two components. One, the Center itself, is a so—called 501(c)(3) organization, a fully tax—exempt charitable organization. Contributions to the Center are tax—deductible. The other part of the Center is the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) organization, which is also tax exempt but which cannot receive tax—deductible contributions. It is allowed to engage in lobbying, but not openly partisan campaigning.

The anti—DeLay appeal is being run by the Action Fund. "Help us keep the heat on," the Center e—mail says in asking supporters to contribute. "Help us get these ads on the air." On, a message says, "Your support will allow us to fight Tom DeLay's abuse of power and help us promote progressive ideas through rapid response communications..."

The Center's campaign has received a few notices in the press, but has not been mentioned in either the New York Times or the Washington Post. 
How rich is that? The campaign charging Delay with unethical conduct is being run by Hillary's beard with Soros money out of an organization stocked with the likes of  Sandy "Socks" Berger and David "I lied" Brock.
Clarice Feldman   4 21 05