Whistling past the graveyard


Bill Keller, executive editor of the New York Times, has some revealing comments in a speech given at a fundraiser for the Columbia University student newspaper, the Spectator:

Keller also sees 'blogging,' or online writing that blurs news and commentary, as a mixed blessing. While he celebrated the blogger's ability to uncover breaking news, he noted that a blog's inherent bias might be detrimental to the reader. 'A blog is still a view of the world through a pinhole,' he said, noting that it can sometimes fall as low as being a 'one man circle jerk.'

'There is a pressure to feel well informed without ever confronting an opinion that confronts your prejudices,' he said of blog readers.

He was optimistic about the future of print journalism. The paper, Keller said, is always looking at ways to adapt to advances in technology and the changing consumer needs. 'I trust there will always be an opportunity for serious journalism,' he added.

Given that The Times has just paid $410 million for a collection of 500 blogs, Keller's words ring pretty hollow.

Hat tip: Matt May

Thomas Lifson  2 21 05