The GOP seems to be on the verge of capitulating before the Democrats, again!

How many times have we witnessed the following sequence of events in D.C.?

In the first stage, D.C. Democrats float a spending package that is ridiculously expensive for the American taxpayer. The bill funds items that are dear to liberals such as “combating climate change,” “green energy,” foreign wars, foreign infrastructure, welfare funds for illegal aliens, etc.

There are often items that read like a parody sketch, but there is nothing comedic about these items because it’s money wasted; these items most often benefit the cronies of the lawmaker advocating the clause.

In the second stage, the GOP denounces the package and claims there will be no support. The phrase “dead on arrival” is employed by GOP lawmakers. GOP voters feel relieved that their representatives seem to be standing up to the recklessness and corruption of D.C.

In the third stage, the media and Democrats preemptively refer to a government shutdown if the GOP doesn’t “cooperate.” They cite examples of how government employees will not receive their salaries and how school children won’t get their meals. For a faction of the GOP who live in D.C. as second-class citizens always looking for approval from Democrats, this is a moment of panic.

In the fourth stage, the GOP leaders claim to be working with the Democrats to find — yes, that unfortunate word appears — “compromise.”

In the fifth stage, the GOP leaders rush to the nearest microphone and claim victory. They tell everyone that the revised bill contains “substantial cuts to wasteful expenditure” and is essential for [fill in the blanks]. The blanks could be any issue that is dear to the voter. What they don’t reveal is what they gave up, which is usually substantial.

In the sixth stage, the bill, which runs into thousands of pages and is written in very complicated language, is released to lawmakers after 1 a.m., a deadline is set for the vote, and the government shutdown is mentioned.

The late hour and the deadline mean there is no time for review or comprehension.

Finally, the GOP leaders coerce skeptical lawmakers to vote for the package, and then the package is passed.

Part of the GOP is relieved that they won’t be attacked on MSNBC and in the NYT for causing a shutdown. The Democrats stroll to the local pub and have a hearty laugh at how easy it was to be victorious despite being in the minority. The GOP lawmakers who willingly voted for the same bill are in the same pub but at a different table, hoping they will be invited to the Democrat table.

The sequence happened again yesterday, and the Democrats seem to be on the verge of another victory.

Congressional leaders have rolled out the final $1.2T funding package ahead of the Saturday shutdown deadline. The bill is 1,012 pages long and was released at 2:30 A.M.

Politico called the bill “a conclusive defeat for House conservatives.” CBS News states that “if approved, the package would take the threat of a government shutdown off the table until the beginning of the next fiscal year on Oct. 1.”

Politico additionally revealed that the “legislation also includes a yearlong extension of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR — an authorization Republicans had resisted, raising concerns about the program’s funds flowing to abortion providers overseas.

The package grants 12,000 new visas for a program that allows “Afghan allies who assisted in the U.S. war effort to immigrate to the U.S.” Can the government be trusted to vet these “allies”?

$1 billion is dedicated to the Pentagon’s climate change activities and funding for a new FBI headquarters.

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida revealed that the package funds a state organization that force-feeds the LGBT agenda in schools.

But House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) claims the package contains “substantial cuts to wasteful agencies and programs while strengthening border security and national defense[.]”

Johnson told the NY Post that the funding bill took precedence since it could affect the final “vote tally” for the foreign aid bill. “I understand the timetable and understand the necessity of the urgency, the funding,” he said. “No one wants Vladimir Putin to prevail. I’m of the opinion that he wouldn’t stop in Ukraine. If he was allowed, he’d go through all the way through Europe.”

CBS News reveals that the package “includes six bills and spans more than 1,000 pages, features money for the departments of State, Homeland Security, Defense, Labor and Health and Human Services, as well as funds for foreign operations, financial services and the legislative branch."

Texas Rep. Chip Roy blasted the bill and Speaker Johnson. Roy said Johnson “blew it” by conceding ground to Democrats on conservative policy priorities, like allowing for the Pentagon to continue its travel reimbursement policy for abortions and not including more stringent border security measures.

So what do we make of all this?

The passing of legislation lacks drama and hence the gravity of it often doesn’t register. The media rarely focuses on it because it is interested in drama.

Legislation should be simple and focused on one basic item. There needs to be one solitary bill for border security; but instead, packages are concocted with numerous disconnected spending items. This is a method to slip in items that legalize corruption and quid pro quo deals.

The lawmakers hope that their voters will never read the thousand-page package. The bills are purposefully lengthy and complicated so readers are discouraged from the very first page.

The media focuses on fiery exchanges in Congress during hearings. The lawmaker prepares for this like an actor to “humiliate” their opponents. “Thug life” sound bites are shared on social media in which a “conservative” lawmaker ostensibly stands up against the bill—and voters conflate words with actions. But usually, there is no concrete action taken after the theatrics during hearings, which few bother to verify.

The lawmakers who put on a theatrical display during the hearing surreptitiously voted for the trillion-dollar spending packages that do not benefit citizens.

These lawmakers are not held accountable because voters remember the “thug life” drama and not the vote for a harmful and expensive package. They are re-elected, and the cycle follows forever.

This is what a large section of the GOP seems to be doing over and over again.

An ineffective and unreliable ally is always much worse than a sworn enemy. The enemy is doing what is expected by working against your interests and attacking you. Betrayal occurs only when those you think of as allies side with your adversary.

Another betrayal seems to be on the way.

It’s time for voters to wake up.

Image: Public domain.





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