The atomic bomb gave peace a chance


Sixty years ago the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima followed by another three days later at Nagasaki.  As a result the Japanese promptly surrendered, thereby saving thousands of lives Japanese as well as American.  Most sensible Americans understood the horrible necesity for the act then.

But that was then, this is now.  And now revisionists and distortionists, the loathe America mobs and the totalitarian loving gangs not to mention the terminally naive and totally ignorant condemn the USA for its evil. 
Not that these people and their arguments should be dignified with defensive answers but know a few facts courtesy of Wesley Pruden:

Newly opened archives of radio intercepts of messages between Tokyo and its diplomats abroad, which President Truman was sworn never to talk about, ever, reveal that the Japanese generals and their emperor did not consider themselves defeated. Some of these intercepts were conversations between Tokyo and diplomatic officials of U.S. allies. They reveal that even if Washington agreed to preserve the emperor that Japan regarded as "divine" there was no likelihood that Japan was ready to cry uncle. 

The conversations between President Truman and his service chiefs further reveal, as historian Richard B. Frank writes in the current Weekly Standard magazine, that the Army and Navy were at bitter odds over whether the Japanese home islands should or could be invaded. The Army said yes. The Navy, having taken casualties at Okinawa in April and May that exceeded those in the Normandy landings, said no, a naval blockade and ship—to—shore bombardment was the way to go. 

"Finally," he writes, "thanks to radio intelligence, American leaders, far from knowing that peace was at hand, understood ... that 'until the Japanese leaders realize that an invasion [of the home islands] can not be repelled, there is little likelihood that they will accept any peace terms satisfactory to the Allies.'?"  

Yes, the Japanese could only give peace a chance only after they saw the devastation of the bomb. 
Remember.  And never forget.  The US has no need to apologize but maybe the Japanese do.
Ethel C. Fenig    8 05 05